Unlock the
full potential
of your guest experience

Discover how Skeat helps you turn every customer interaction into a magical moment and additional revenue

hand holding an iphone

75 % of your customers want to use their smartphone at your place

Offer them your custom-made Web App, that needs no downloading and accessible throught a QR code
Image of 3 iphones, with Skeat app screensImage of 4 arrows
Logo revenu
Maximise your  revenue per customer
operation logo
Simplify your operations
Rating logo
Enhance your customer's experience
Data logo
Exploit the potential of data
image de fondimage de fond

Discover our expertise

Your needs are specifics (customers, operations, branding,...). Skeat meets them since 2018 thanks to an infinitely customizable platform and a team of experts at your service. 

icon e-conciergerie
Room service
icon room service
icon digital check in
Digital Check-In
icon booking
Réservation des Services
icon multibasket
Commande multistand
icon click and collect
Click and collect
icon notification sms
Notification SMS
icon fidélité client
Fidélité client
Bars / Restaurants
icon commande à table
Commande à table
icon promotion
Upsells et promotions
icon retrait comptoir et flux fort
Retrait comptoir
icon tarifs dynamiques
Paiement de l’addition
Loisirs / Entertainments
icon commande à la place
Commande localisée
icon booking
Réservations d'activités
icon marketplace/boutique
Marketplace et boutique
icon wallet
Wallets et fidélité

Do you manage a group of more than 10 locations ?

Discover Skeat ENTERPRISE, the white label solution for the most ambitious projects

label icon
100% white label software
Icon widget
Advanced and custom features
tool icon
Custom integrations to your existing software
Team icon
Dedicated project team
Image de fondimage de fond

A connected platform

Discover our ecosystem of partners and live integrations (POS, PMS, Loyalty, Payment…)

Sumup Logo
Stripe logo
Paygreen logo
Dalenys Logo
Concardis logo
Google pay logo
Oracle Logo
zerosix logo
Oracle Logo
Trivec logo
Lightspeed logo
Mews logo
Hoist logo
Deliverect logo

Get started with Skeat